Mornings for most of us begin enjoying a steeping hot cup of tea in our hands and planning out the day we are about to begin. Undoubtedly, tea is the most delicious and healthy beverage that is consumed on a daily basis. There is a varying number of teas and each has a different level of caffeine content.Β 

Tea lovers often worry about the caffeine content in their teas, how much tea is suitable to consume every day, and why is tea advisable to consume over coffee? However, the most commonly asked question is- What effects does caffeine have? Here’s the answer to some of the basic questions around tea and caffeine.


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Caffeine is said to have positive effects on our bodies. It affects our central nervous system, keeping us awake. It is a mild stimulant and works like an energy drink, keeping us refreshed. This is the reason why caffeine is a core natural alkaloid found in tea, coffee, chocolates, and cocoa.Β 

Excess consumption of caffeine also affects the body negatively. Nausea, headache, insomnia are some of the common side effects of excess consumption of caffeine.


The caffeine content in tea depends on various factors. Black tea, CTC tea, and strong roasts bring a high level of caffeine. Green teas are also caffeinated. However, herbal teas- which aren’t teas- have no caffeine. They are made from fruits, flowers, or herbal blends.Β Β 

Here are some factors that determine the level of caffeine in your tea.

  • Harvest time: The spring harvested tea leaves have more caffeine than the leaves harvested in the latter part of the year.
  • Steeping period: The longer the tea leaves are steeped in hot water, the higher is the caffeine content.
  • Processing Method: The processing of the tea also brings out different levels of caffeine. CTC teas sold have higher caffeine than full leaf teas.
  • Amount of tea leaves: Simple to say, the proportion of tea leaves added changes the tea’s caffeine content.
  • Water temperature: More caffeine is infused into the tea, in water with higher temperatures.Β 
  • So how do you know which tea to pick if you are looking for a specific level of caffeine content? Caffeine affects everyone’s body differently, so the best way is to listen to the body and choose wisely the tea that suits its requirements.


    Many people are switching from tea to coffee for specific reasons.Β 

    • Choosing tea over coffee for caffeine dose has a major advantage- energy is released slowly, making it a smoother and steady energy booster. Goodbyes to caffeine crash and jitters.
    • A moderate amount of caffeine in tea helps stay active and alert. It boosts mental alertness and at the same time triggers a calming effect.Β 
    • Caffeine enhances physical performance and endurance making it the best drink for pre-workout sessions.



    The striking feature of caffeine is its bitter taste. This is the reason that a lingering bitter taste is felt from the consumption of tea and coffee.Β 

    We tried resolving some common questions about teas’ caffeine content. Hope it helped!