Quite a loaded question for a blog post, huh? Well, it's a pretty interesting one if we say so ourselves. Looking at the culture, history, and popularity of tea in our country, this question can cause quite the debate. In 1689,Ovington recorded thatย tea was taken by the โ€œbaniasโ€ in Surat without sugar and mixed with a small quantity of conserved lemons,ย and in some cases added spices were used against headache, gravel and gripe. British colonistsย noticed that tea plants with thicker leaves grew in Assam thus the British East India Company beganย large-scale production of tea in location. Soon the first English tea garden was established leading toย the formation of Assam Tea Company in 1840. Assam then became the leading tea-producing region in theย world. Robert Fortune introduced 20,000 tea plants and seedlings to the Darjeeling region of India onย steep slopes in the foothills of the Himalayas, with the acid soil suited for Camellia plants. From theย start, Indian grown tea proved extremely popular in Britain, both for its greater strength and as aย patriotic product of the empire. Tea had been a high-status drink when first introduced, but hadย steadily fallen in price and increased in popularity among the working class. Now, if we look at theย popularity of tea, it has become a national drink of our country. India is one of the largest teaย producers in the world and is also among the top 5 per-capita tea. It is commonly consumed at socialย events, business meetings, and family get-togethers. In India, tea is not only served in 5-star restaurantsย but is also sold at roadside โ€˜kiranasโ€™. Tea has also created many customs and rituals. Tea itself hasย now become a part of the royal Indian culture. Offering tea to visitors is the cultural norm in homes and offices. On April 21, 2012 the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commissionย (India), Montek Singh Ahluwalia planned to declare tea as a national drink. This was followed by the declaration in 2013. Speaking on the occasion, former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi announced that a special package for the tea industry would be designed. Soon this industry took a newย turn. People in mass started consuming tea which led to the advancement of the tea industry. A newย market was built. People not only drank tea on a regular basis but some people decided to take theย development of the tea industry as an opportunity to create business. Thus, the tea industry paved its path.ย It affected the economic cycle as well as the political field. With positive political action and the growth of tea cultivation, the distant dream of tea ruling the country slowly turned into reality. Needless to say, every morning, millions of people long for their 'chaiโ€™. Tea has already succeeded in ruling our hearts. With time,this can only enhance in magnitude. Tea will continue to enchant and charm making it a true national drink. . As you relax with a cup of tea in your hand, we from say cheers to your day and assure you of a bear future where your favorite tea will rule this country! So, to answer OUR original question, YES! (In case it wasn't clear enough already!)